Eyelash Lift Aftercare

Eyelash Lifts can give you the appearance of longer, curlier lashes without the need for extensions or daily mascara. However, to ensure your lashes stay looking their best, proper aftercare is essential. As an eyelash services expert, I’m here to guide you through the steps to maintain your lifted lashes.

Avoid Water and Moisture For the first 24-48 hours after your eyelash lift, it’s crucial to keep your eyes dry. Avoid washing your face, showering, swimming, or even getting caught in the rain. Water and moisture can disrupt the setting of the lift, causing your lashes to lose their curl prematurely.

Be Gentle with Your Lashes When cleansing your face, be extra gentle around your eyes. Use a clean, soft cloth or cotton pads to gently dab and pat the area, rather than rubbing. Avoid using any oil-based products near your lashes, as these can break down the lift.

Steer Clear of Mascara For the first 24-48 hours after your lash lift treatment, it’s best to avoid using mascara altogether. The chemicals and removal process can interfere with the lift, causing it to wear off faster. Once the initial 48 hours has passed, you can gradually reintroduce mascara, but be sure to use a water-based formula and remove it gently.

Protect Your Lashes When going out in the sun, wind, or other harsh environments, consider wearing sunglasses or a hat to shield your lashes from exposure. This can help extend the life of your lift and prevent premature curling.

Schedule Touch-ups as Needed Depending on your lash growth cycle, you may need to schedule a touch-up appointment every 4-6 weeks to maintain the lift. Your eyelash technician can assess the condition of your lashes and recommend the best timing for a refresh.

Use a lash Booster/Conditioner Lash Lifts is a chemical process that changes the structure of the hair. Use a lash conditioner to maintain the hair hydrated and prolong your lash lifts. Hydrating the hair helps maintain the integrity of the hair and keeps it 

By following these eyelash lift aftercare tips, you can enjoy the benefits of your lifted lashes for as long as possible. Remember, consistency is key, so make these steps a part of your daily routine. With proper care, you can flaunt your gorgeous, lifted lashes with confidence.

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