Permanent Make-Up FAQs

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Permanent Make Up Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer?

GlowXGiGi is a 2X Certified PMU artist in microblading, Microshading (Ombre Brows) and lip blushing

Am I a candidate for PMU?

The best way to learn if you are a good candidate is to schedule a consultation. During the consultation we will discuss contraindications, side effects, styling, maintenance requirements and post care.

Are there increased risks?

Generally speaking with proper post care, there are minimal risks to permanent make up. Ultimate this technique is similar to a tattoo. The main difference is that we are adding pigment to surface layers of skin and we are not working as deep as a traditional tattoo. Some people may develop allergic reactions to the pigment. Some can be more susceptible to eye infection due to lack of proper cleanliness and not following post care procedures. If you have any medical conditions that affect hair growth please discuss with GlowXGiGi to ensure you are a good candidate without increased risk for lash damage.Add an answer here.

How do I prepare for my lash appointment ?

Be sure to arrive with no makeup or lotions anywhere around the eye area, no mascara, no eyeliner, not even foundation around the eyes. The area surrounding and on the eyes must be completely clean. 

Avoid caffeine or energy drinks for 24 hours. If you have diagnosed conditions that may affect healing such as diabetes, please consult your medical professional. Avoid fish oil (Vitamin A) supplements and NSAIDS 24 hours prior to your appointment.

How long are the appointments?

Appointments may vary between 120 – 180 minutes depending on the style and/or customized design. Touch up appointments can last up to 60 – 90 minutes.

Does GlowXGiGi accept corrections?

GlowXGiGi doesn’t normally accept corrections. However, considerations may be taken as quality, education, and qualifications may vary from artist to artists.  Corrections are performed on a case by case basis. We recommend that we’ve never serviced you before, scheduled a consultation to make sure you are a good candidate.

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