Everything You Need To Know – Eyelash Extensions: Aftercare, Retention & Maintenance

Everything You Need To Know - Eyelash Extensions: Aftercare, Retention & Maintenance

Everything You Need To Know – Eyelash Extensions: Aftercare, Retention & Maintenance

The artistry behind GlowXGigi’s flawless eyelash extensions; aftercare, retention & maintenance

The allure of long, fluttering eyelashes is undeniable. If you want to enhance your natural beauty, eyelash extensions are a go-to solution. Achieving a flawless set of eyelash extensions requires skill, precision, and a keen eye for detail. In this blog, we will dissect and demystify the process of eyelash extension preparation, consultation, “GlowXGigi Experience”, Isolation, aftercare, retention, and maintenance. GlowXGiGi provides you with insights into the artistry behind this beautiful eye-enhancing technique.

Before embarking on the lash extension journey, it’s crucial to understand a few key things:

  1. Everyone’s eyes are different.
  2. The natural lash line can contain between 80-150 natural lash hairs. These hairs vary in thickness, growth stage, and most importantly, ability to hold up an extension.
  3. No two lash lines are the same. You may have variations between right and left lash lines and eye symmetry.
  4. The natural eyelash growth cycle lasts between 4-8 weeks. The lashline consists of 4 lash growth stages. The hair growth cycle is helpful to prevent us from losing all the hair at once. It is normal to shed approximately 2-5 natural eyelashes per day. The state of your natural lashes will determine retention and the appropriate styles.
  5. Eyelash Extensions require maintenance. Since our natural eyelashes are actively shedding and undergoing hair growth cycles. It is recommended to get a “touch up”or “refill every” 10-15 days.
  6. Lash Health is GlowXGiGi’s top priority.

Preparation is key. Arrive on time and ready to relax! To maximize your appointment, ensure that the natural lashes are clean and free from any makeup or residue. Oil-free makeup remover and a gentle lash cleanser can be used to thoroughly cleanse the lashes. Clean lashes create the perfect canvas for the most flawless eyelash extensions. Avoid drinking coffee before your appointment. This is the perfect time to listen to a podcast, or audiobook, or simply take a nap.

Client Consultation:
The client consultation is a very intricate part of eyelash extension services. Understanding your preferences and discussing the desired look is key. If you are unsure if lash extensions are right for you, GlowXGigi can offer a virtual or in-person consultation at no additional cost. At GlowXGiGi a consultation is conducted with every visit. This allows you to gain an understanding of preferred styles that are tailored just for you. GlowXGiGi needs your feedback! To customize your perfect look, consider factors such as length, thickness, and curl to tailor the extensions to your unique style. Not all eyes are created equal. At GlowXGigi we focus on tailoring extensions exclusively to your facial symmetry, eye shape, and just as importantly natural eyelash health.

The GlowXGiGi Lash Experience: What sets GlowXGigi apart? Preparation is key. Preparing natural lashes is essential to long-lasting and healthy eyelashes. We begin with a complimentary lash bath. A Lash bath is a gentle cleansing technique to remove any small particles or debris, lotions, sweat, or other matter from the natural lashes. We use a combination of gentle cleanser and if necessary an alcohol-based primer. If there is a lot of makeup or other build-up, we recommend a Lash Detox. This is a deep cleanse focusing on makeup removal.

After the cleansing process, we prepare the eyes for extension application. GlowXGigi utilizes gentle and hydrating under-eye treatment gels at no additional cost. The treatment gels provide hydration and comfort. Depending on the natural eyelash the bottom lashes may need to be secured by using a gentle surgical-grade micropore tape.

To guarantee precision and prevent lashes from sticking together, isolating each natural lash is a crucial step. This aspect is the most detailed of the application. Focusing on proper isolation helps promote lash health and a clean seamless application. This is done using a specialized tweezer that allows for razor focus isolation to separate individual lashes, preparing them for the extension application.

Eyelash Isolaation for Eyelash Extension Apllication

Eyelash Isolation

Choosing the Right Extensions:
Eyelash extensions come in various lengths, thicknesses, and materials (GlowXGigi uses a cruelty free synthetic – mink & silk). I won’t get into all the nuisance details behind eyelash extension curls. At GlowXGiGi we assess the natural lashes and discuss the desired outcome to select the most suitable extensions for a seamless blend. This is why having a thorough consultation is extremely important. Although there are many types of extensions, not all types of extensions are suitable for everyone. GlowXGiGi will always keep your natural lash health as a top priority.

Classic Eyelash Extensions

Classic Eyelash Extensions

Adhesive Application:
Most eyelash extension adhesives are made from Cyanoacrylates. The adhesive used plays a pivotal role in the longevity and appearance of the extensions. GlowXGigi utilizes a professional grade high-quality, semi-permanent adhesive, carefully applying a small amount to the base of the extension, ensuring a secure bond without excess. Some people can develop a reaction or allergy to eyelash adhesive. The allergy can develop over time due to ingredient exposure other people may experience reactions without long term allergy effects. If you have sensitivities, you can request the sensitive formula.

Placement Technique:
Using precision tweezers, GlowXGigi delicately attach each extension to an isolated natural lash, positioning it close to the lash line, but avoiding contact with the skin. The placement technique is an art, and the angle at which the extension is attached contributes to the natural appearance of the lashes. As this treatment requires precise attention to detail, it is recommended to stay still and minimize any sudden movements and reactions.

Curing Time:
Allow the adhesive to cure properly to ensure a secure and long-lasting bond. We recommend avoiding any moisture (sweat, steam, or tears), high heat or sudden temperature changes, and makeup within the first 24 hours of application.

Final Inspection:
Once all the extensions are in place, GlowXGiGi conducts a thorough inspection to ensure even placement and symmetry. Address any gaps or unevenness, making the necessary adjustments for a flawless finish.

Aftercare, Retention and Maintenance:
Aftercare: The preparation is just as important as the aftercare. You and your lash artist are a team. You must follow the aftercare to ensure prolonged wear and minimal damage to your natural eyelashes. The aftercare instructions consist of the following: avoid mascara, oil-based products, rubbing the eyes, and excessive moisture in the initial 24 hours. Cleanse your lashes daily! This is single-handedly the most important aspect of aftercare. cleansing the lashes removes sebaceous buildup, skin cells, and dust.

Retention: The natural eyelash growth cycle can vary in length between 4-8 weeks in which you may shed 2-5 natural eyelashes per day. For the ultimate eyelash extension retention clean your lashes once daily with a lash extension-approved cleanser and a gentle brush. Eyelash extension retention is dependent on the natural lash growth cycle, precision of eyelash extension application, and cleanliness.

Maintenance: Always schedule a touch up/fill before your departure. We recommend a follow-up appointment every 10-15 days for best results. During your fill appointment grown out extensions are removed and most eyelashes a new extension. Each touch up or fill appointment varies in length depending on retention. GlowXGigi offers 1, 2, and 3 week fill appointments. Schedule each appointment accordingly based on the last visit and current condition of the lashes. As a general rule if there is less than 40% eyelash extensions remaining, GlowXGigi will require you to schedule for a new set.

Conclusively, The process of applying eyelash extensions is an intricate art that requires skill, attention to detail, time and a commitment to aftercare and maintenance. GlowXGigi has 4 years of experience and counting. GlowXGiGi can create stunning, customized looks that leave you feeling confident and glamorous. If you’re interested in a more low maintenance solution, you may want to consider a Lash Lift Instead

Lash Lift,

Lash Lift

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